LeR 4

LeR 4


Lentorykmentti 4 LeR 4

This book of Lentorykmentti 4 is a companion volume to LeR 2 and LeR 3 and it covers in detail the phases of the Finnish bomber regiment, so successful in the war that the Russians banned the whole arm in Paris peace treaty of 1947. The book is compiled keeping those in mind who are interested in aviation history, warfare and modelling. The size of the book is B5 (250x174 mm) with laminated soft covers, 144 pages printed on glossy art paper. The main text is Finnish with an extensive English summary presented in a form of a war diary. Photo captions are fully bi-lingual for 225 top quality pictures supplemented by 24 colour profiles and four pages of scale drawings of the aircraft. The appendix contains a detailed list of every regiment mission and operational loss, matched with recently found Russian records. The commander and strength tables also tell who did and with what.

cena | price: 23€

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