Fiat G.50 and Caudron-Renault C.R. 714

Fiat G.50 and Caudron-Renault C.R. 714


Fiat G.50 and Caudron-Renault C.R. 714

The chapters deal with the development, purchase, painting and specifications, also for the C.R. 714. Operational use covers squadrons LeLv 26 and LeLv 30 with dislocation tables, air victory lists and post-war use. The book is compiled keeping those in mind who are interested in aviation history, warfare and modelling. The size of the book in B5 (176x250 mm) with laminated card covers, 96 pages printed on glossy art paper. The main text is in Finnish with an English summary. Photo captions are fully bi-lingual for 180 top quality pictures, supplemented by three pages of colour profiles and three pages of scale drawings. The appendixes contain individual aircraft histories and aerial victory tables.

cena | price: 19,50€

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